網上詩歌摘選 (Index of online Hymns)
千萬個理由 (Ten Thousand Reasons)
懇求主像牧人領導 (Saviour , like a shepherd, lead us)
齊來崇拜歌 (O Come, All Ye Faithful)
普世歡騰組曲 (Joy To The World)
聖靈之歌 (Spirit Song)
聖靈之歌 (Spirit Song, Music)
何等朋友,我主耶稣 – 水流之音聖樂團
耶稣恩友 (What a friend we have in Jesus)
耶稣恩友 (What a friend we have in Jesus, English)
與你更親我神 (Nearer, My God To Thee)
與你更親我神 (Nearer, My God To Thee) – in Titanic
與你更親我神 (Nearer, My God To Thee) – by André Rieu
與你更親我神 (Nearer, My God To Thee) – BYU Men’s Chorus
與你更親我神 (Nearer, My God To Thee) – Mormon Tabernacle Choir
與你更親我神 (Nearer, My God To Thee) – Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Nearer, My God, To Thee (with lyrics)
Nearer, My God, To Thee (4x)
奇异恩典 (Amazing Grace) – by André Rieu
奇异恩典 (Amazing Grace) 4k– by André Rieu
奇异恩典 (Amazing Grace) – George Rawlin
奇异恩典 (Amazing Grace) – Gary Downey / lyrics
奇异恩典 (Amazing Grace) – Gary Downey
奇异恩典 (Amazing Grace) – Mormon Tabernacle Choir
奇异恩典 (Amazing Grace) – Ayako Ishikawa
奇异恩典 (Amazing Grace) – 合唱
You Raise me Up – Martin Hurkens
Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen) – André Rieu
最美的祝福 – The Gift of Knowing You
你坐著為王 – You Sit On The Throne
伯利恆詩班 (Sound of Bethlehem)
萬物的結局近了 (Eng)
伯利恆詩班詩歌匯總 (音頻)
網上詩歌摘選 (Index of online Hymns)
5. 全能君王降臨 (Come, Thou Almighty King)
7. 偉大的神 (How Great Thou Art)
9. 快樂快樂我們敬拜 (Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee) 快乐颂(粤/英)
10. 主手所造萬象生靈 (All Creatures Of Our God And King)
21. 父阿久在創世之前 (Father, ‘Twas Thy Love That Knew Us)
33. 荣耀归于至高神 (To God Be The Glory)
34. 我要抬頭向眾山嶺舉目 (Unto The Hills Around)
39. 阿爸父阿我們現在 (Abba, Father, We Approach Thee)
69. 我每靜念那十字架 (When I Survey The Wondrous Cross)
72. 看哪神的羔羊 (Behold The Lamb Of God)
75. 何等奇妙的救主 (What A Wonderful Saviour)
78. 近十架 (Near The Cross)
79. 古老的十字架 (The Old Rugged Cross)
82. 在主十架之下 (Beneath The Cross Of Jesus)
86. 無他只有耶穌寶血 (Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus)
90. 有一血泉 (There Is A Fountain Filled With Blood)
93. 我以信心仰望你 (My Faith Looks Up To Thee)
95. 昨日今日直到永遠 (Yesterday, Today, Forever)
100. 榮耀之釋放 (Glorious Freedom)
105. 愛救了我 (Love Lifted Me)
103. 祂拯救我 (He Lifted Me)
114. 因祂活著 (Because He Lives)
121. 冠祂萬王之王 (Crown Him With Many Crowns)
123. 主你真是配 (Lord Thou Art Worthy)
156. 自伯大尼 (Since Long Ago At Bethany)
179. 何能如此如我也能 (And Can It Be That I Should Gain)
187. 驚人恩典 (Amazing Grace)
194. 為何我要歌頌耶穌 (Why Do I Sing About Jesus?)
196. 主替我還清 (Jesus Paid It All)
205. 自耶穌來住在我心 (Since Jesus Came Into My Heart)
225. 我耶穌,我愛你 (My Jesus, I Love Thee)
300. 我已經決定 (I Have Decided To Follow Jesus)
303. 將你最好的獻與主 (Give Of Your Best To The Master)
312. 全所有奉獻 (I Surrender All)
313. 收我此生作奉獻 (Take My Life, And Let It Be)
313. 收我此生作奉獻 (Take My Life, And Let It Be) Chs only Eng only
364. 信而順從 (Trust And Obey) (Eng) (Chs/Eng)
366. 隨你調度 (Have Thine Own Way, Lord) 憑你意行
452. 你信實何廣大 (Great Is Thy Faithfulness)
426. 祂自己 (Himself)
431. 惟知道我所信的是誰 (I Know Whom I Have Believed)
454. 我知主掌握明天 (I Know Who Holds Tomorrow)
527. 這世界非我家 (This World Is Not My Home)
530. 我們將要聚集河邊 (Shall We Gather At The River?) Eng
532. 玉漏沙殘 (The Sands Of Time)
550. 何等朋友我主耶穌 (What A Friend We Have In Jesus)
560. 耶穌是我的我有把握 (Blessed Assurance)
584. 與你更親我神 (Nearer, My God To Thee)
586. 親近更親近 (Nearer, Still Nearer)
593. 我愛傳講主福音 (I Love To Tell The Story)
628. 照我本相 (Just As I Am)
660. 我不敢稍微失敗 (I Dare Not Be Defeated) |